Thursday, January 18, 2018

Growth Mindset: Expanding Its Influence

While I'd never heard of the term "Growth Mindset", the concept is one that I've heard a surprising amount for how little it's ever implemented into learning. The idea that we should embrace learning, embrace discovering that we don't know something, is an idea that has become more and more prevalent in recent years as people notice the effects that standardized education is having on our population. In fact, incredibly recently, I came across a video by Will Smith (put together by Twitter user @Javoris comprised of Instagram story clips by Will) about failure and how we should not avoid failure, but embrace it and learn from it.

This is something that I need to improve on, at least in areas where I do not have a solid existing interest in the subject. When I am doing activities for my own entertainment - working on Google Sheets projects, or researching for some idea I'm coming up with - I tend to seek out the issues, to work at finding a solution for whatever problem is at hand regardless of the difficulty of doing so or the effort required. However, school is an area where I am far more fixed. Early on, I was able to succeed in school with little effort, and combined with the system that rewarded me for being able to succeed without effort, I became accustomed to not trying for academic success. This has become a challenge in college, where there is no such thing as effortless success.

To end, here is the quote that Will began his video with:

(Image generated using
(Pencil N' Paper, Brendan DeBrincat on flickr)


  1. Hi Jason, I really loved the video by Will Smith, especially because of the lifting analogy. I agree that as we get older being successful is more about putting effort in and growing as a person and as a professional. I've really tried to see the value in getting out of my comfort zone and doing things that I'm bad at to try to grow in those areas.

  2. Hi Jason, I have seen this video of Will Smith before and really think it is inspiring and such a great video. He understands what it is to fail and that it is important to fail. The more you fail the more you learn. I feel like everyone needs to realize this and not get down on themselves whenever they fail because I know I am going to fail a lot and we just have to embrace and learn from it.

  3. Jason, I have seen that Will Smith video before and really enjoyed it. It is definitely applicable here. I have had the same issues with not struggling in school and then coming to college and having challenges, and I think that if I had had a growth mindset implemented in school that would have definitely benefited me as far as handling the huge difference in curriculum that comes with higher education.
