Thursday, January 18, 2018

Introduction to a Computer Science Major

As someone who uses technology daily and often, video games are one of the many things I greatly enjoy. Fire Emblem, a strategical turn-based strategy game, was my favorite series for a long time, but has been somewhat recently replaced by the Nier series, which consists of two games - three if you consider both versions of the first game. Nier Gestalt (the alternate version of which is called Nier Replicant, and was only released in Japan) is my favorite of the Nier series and among all video games. While the gameplay itself is mediocre, it more than makes up for this in the quality of its story, world, and characters. If you happen to have a Playstation 3 or Xbox 360, as well as money and time to spare, I highly recommend playing this game.

While an enjoyment of video games and a frequent use of technology isn't too uncommon nowadays, it did have a large factor in my choice to go into computer science. There are lots of things that go into all of the various tech that I've grown up enjoying, and while I might never actually get around to making a video game myself, having programming skills already will be a huge help if I ever decide to do so. It didn't stop me from coming into college undecided, but I ended up choosing computer science rather quickly towards the end of my first semester.

Despite my major, the favorite class I've taken at college has nothing to do with computer science. Instead, it was Death, Dying, and Religion in the US, taught by Dr. Marie Dallam. It was a very insightful course, full of discussion about topics that many people - including myself - rarely think about, including both personal views as well as the general perspectives of different cultures on death and death-related subjects.

Even if technology isn't something that everyone is enamored with, food tends to be something that almost everyone has strong likes and dislikes about, given that we all have to eat and eat often. I am no exception, of course, and my favorite food has been the same for years now. Ramen is a dish that became popular in Japan, although it is actually unclear whether or not it was originated in Japan or China. A very basic description of ramen (due to my lack of more specific knowledge) is a dish consisting of noodles, broth, and various additions such as vegetables, egg, scallions, and more depending on the style of ramen.

File:Ramen by avlxyz at Ajisen Ramen, Melbourne.jpg


  1. I am guessing that the video game world can be a great source of inspiration for this class, Jason! Super! Last semester someone did a Storybook project that was all connected with the Persona game she plays, blending it with traditional myths and legends from around the world; it was really cool! Diary of a Phantom Thief

    And if you thinking about creating your own video game someday, maybe the stories you take away from this class can be the seed of that future project. A former student from this class (from a LONG time ago) is now a board game developer, and it is has been really exciting to see him take his love of stories and turn them into games. He works for this company: Foxtrot Games... my favorite of their games so far is Lanterns.

  2. Hey Jason.
    I considered minoring in computer science when I first started at OU, but never got around to it. It is a great major that can go really well with your love for video games. Since your favorite food is ramen, I highly suggest going to Tamashii Ramen House in Midtown of Oklahoma City if you haven't already. It is the best ramen I have had in Oklahoma City.

  3. Hi Jason! It’s nice to meet you. In your post you mention your favorite course, Death, Dying, and Religion in the US. That course sounds really interesting, and I think that’s awesome that you enjoyed it even though it was outside your field of study! I went to a Catholic school growing up, so like you I too really enjoy learning about other religions and find it interesting to learn about other belief systems.

  4. Hello Jason! I don't know very much about video games, but from what my brother tells me, you must know a lot! He was thinking about being a computer science major too, because of his interest in video games. I think the idea of making your own world, characters, and stories is the best part of being a writer (btw, I am a Creative Writing/English major) and it is so awesome that you can do all those things and make a video game! I hope you really go for it if making your own video game is something you want to do!

  5. Hello Jason! I haven't heard of those video games personally but I have played some other FPS such as Overwatch recently and can appreciate the love for video games! I know a lot of friends who love to game and that love has lead them toward computer science majors which is very awesome! Coding and programing have been two things on my list of things to do in my spare time! And of course, who doesn't love Ramen!

  6. Hello Jason! I really enjoy gaming too, but I am more of a.. chill type. I like to play games like the Sims. I have invested a lot of money into the Sims, actually. I own all of Sims 2, 3, and 4. I also like the play the Mass Effect trilogy on repeat. I kind of want to play Mass Effect Andromeda, but there were mixed reviews so I have stayed away so far. I never really considered computer science though! It seems hard, so I commend you for choosing such a difficult major. I can also say I really like ramen! My favorite ramen in Shin Ramyun. Totes yummy.

  7. Hi Jason! I am not very computer savvy or good at playing video games but I am glad you have a talent for it and enjoy doing it. That class that you are talking about sounds very interesting and may be a class that I will take in the future. I always like classes where I can share my opinion and beliefs, but also learn from others. I will look into taking that class one of my last semesters here at OU. I hope you have a great semester!

  8. Jason,

    I've heard a lot of really awesome things about Dr. Dallam's class! I actually work in the Honors College, so I get to interact with her a lot, and I'm excited to get my hands on her new book. I also really need to get back in to gaming... I typically enjoy playing Civ, but with school back in session I've had far less time than I did over break.

  9. Hey Jason! I did not know you were in this class with me. What a coincidence! Your favorite food is ramen. I am curious have you been to Tatsumaki Ramen by Robert and Logan’s house? It isn’t really that good in my opinion but everyone else seems to like it. Have you played Dante’s Inferno on your PS3? It is a possible reading section in this class and also a popular video game. You might enjoy it.

  10. Howdy Jason! It's great that you were able to find a major that aligns with your goals and interests. I grew up on video games too but I feel like I never get the time to play them as much as I'd like to these days. It doesn't help that I really like League and those games can take 40 minutes or more. Love some good ramen but I can be a bit of a snob about brands, haha.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Jason! I know nothing about computer games but I’m glad that you enjoy them and have found something you want to do with them. And Death, Dying and Religion in the US sounds like a very interesting course. I’m glad that you have branched out and explored different topics during you college career. And who doesn’t love food? I haven’t had ramen other than the really cheap noodles but I bet it is delicious.

  13. Hi Jason! I play a fair amount of video games, but have not heard of Fire Emblem or the Nier series. I'll have to look into them! Also, assuming you're in Norman, have you tried Tatsumaki Ramen off 12th and Lindsey? Ramen is only a sometimes food for me, but some of my friends absolutely love it, and they think the restaurant is great!

  14. I love Ramen! I recently discovered it via an episode on Chef's Table. I have tried Tatsumaki here in town and Goro down in the plaza district! The two restaurants make there spice bombs entirely different, one is very garlicy and the other is hot. I confused the two and accidentally burned off all of my taste buds.

  15. Hi Jason!Death Dying and Religion in the US sounds like a really interesting class. I've taken a few classes with Dr. Dallam, and she's definitely one of my favorite professors I've had at OU.

  16. Hey Jason!
    That Death Dying and Religion in the US looks like such a cool class! I only have two semesters left, so it might be hard for me to add it in, but I think I will try to check it out. I am also I huge fan of ramen!! My brother and I get ramen often in the Oklahoma City area and it is so amazing.

  17. Hi Jason! The Death, Dying, and Religion class you talked about sounded really interesting. It sounds like you are really passionate about technology and video games, and it is cool that you have kind of left your career options open in case you ever get the opportunity to do any kind of video game creation. I can't wait to read some of your stories!

  18. Hey Jason,

    I remember really liking this one Fire Emblem game I played on the Wii a long time ago! I really like those types of games and can spend hours on them. I remember being really immersed in the Fire Emblem story, but I’ll have to check out the Neir series! I haven’t heard about them before, but if they’re like that Fire Emblem game, I’ll probably like it.

  19. Hi Jason!

    CS seems like a great major. I wanted to get into a programming for non-majors class this fall, but they all happen when I have another class. So sad. I also took Death, Dying, and Religion with Dr. Dallam! That class was definitely one of the most interesting I have ever taken. My class had tons of amazing conversations in there and I absolutely loved it. I hope this semester has gone well for you!

  20. Hi, Jason!

    I think it's cool that your interest and passion for video games has translated so easily into a major and potential career path. I hope you are able to create a video game of your own some day!

    That bowl of ramen looks delicious. The most unique thing I ever add to mine is a handful of Cheez-Its, so I will definitely need to step up my game!
